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By: Amal Awad Radwan- Palestine

Translated by: Fathia Asfour*



Ye! Roll My Breast In Its Blue Fragrance

On the clouds of hungry glad tidings

 you s..u..r..g..e..d


On a long gloomy night traced the flow of my wet shadoww 

With the noise of my fetters

 You let down hankies of blame embroidered with tiredness...

 luring my impossible gaiety

 And at the completion of my rebellious compliance... 

you glowed

With the glimmer of your trifling fragrance

 you went on disguising ...

 committing the devoutness of a jovial rumor

 while Iam in the drunkness of my depths...

 intoxicated by impossible ripple 

whose wailing's not withered by your madness


Your fingertips are still dewing with gloomy burning


the clouds of my time, the stigmatized with slumber..

 and till now taking off rags of yawning..

 How it saw good omens in eternity !!and still.. 

in the haze of punched silence...

riding the hymns of my sleeping existence


 The squadrons of your coquettish weakness


dancing with fires of dreams

 whose taste never slipped my tongue


Aged in eternity are the spectra of my wounds 

Is it heedlessly that a legendary- featured sleepliness drawled them ?

Were they spoiled by the numbness of your poppy- like inscription?

Or did you hang my blind intuition on the halt of your paradisal billowss?


The groans of my stars were swept away by the torrents of your wallowing... 

when seduced by your worn grasp .. 

and ...

on your backed power
 they submissively got s..m..a..s..h..e..d 

and inlaid me with my breakage


With the two wings of your madness

you emerged... adrift
fluttering ... widely agitated flapping ..
 deeming permissible shelves of split...

 How you chained it with my decorated loss!! 

so as to seize the temptations of me dying !


Filaments of amazement snatched the band –

 witched scraps of my longing... 

They nailed me 

between deferred promises and walls collapsing


 The blind steps of your wind betrayed your wings.

 Their flames broke out in tracing me...

As if Neron you were !! .. 
As if Baghdad you were !!
 and in the fora of suspension ...

you were professional in bandaging the burns of my letters


The tongues of my fiery revelation ...

 you plated with a whisper that gushed out appealing:

 A nymph phantom Iam
 To the tracks of illusion he (the invader) seduced me...

by the Sabani gown.. he captivated me...

 he dispersed my face in the memory of veils.. 

and swallowed my golden tail


O ye , supreme comrades!

 The gate of my heaven is encircled by temples of glory

 whose light mottled winged trimming ... 

and still billowing with lashes of amazement 


 Be enlighted by me!

 My sacred Branches! ..

How adorned by the feathers of the sun they were !!
and ecstatically craned their necks up towards the nest of firee!!


Yawp! Yawp!

 Ye! support me by Solomon 

and his squadrons of Genie.. to dig the bed of my sea aflaj (gorges) 

and present them to me on the night of my feast

Ye! roll my breast with its blue fragrance.. 

so that the necklaces of my heaven can shake rain spreding with love


O ye ,supreme comrades!

roll my breast with its blue fragrance
 and turn in procession back to me.. my bright tail

_ *(Palestinian poet & tranlator)


طالعوا الصفحة الإجتماعية للصحيفة و اشتركوا فيها إن كنتم من ناصر ي الكلمة الحرة و العدل

لتحميل الملحق الشهري العدد 12 أوت 2019

و مشاركته عبر التويتر أو الرسائل القصيرة هذا الرابط الخاص:

المسنجر و البريد الإلكتروني  و واتس آب  استعملوا هذا الرابط :

لمشاركته على موقع أو مدونة يجب نسخ هذا الرابط و لصقه على محرك البحث:

<a href="">Fichier PDF ملحق الفيصل الشهري  العدد12ـ أكتوبر 2019.pdf</a>

Pour télécharger le supplément  mensuel de "" numéro 12 en format PDF, cliquez ou copiez lien au-dessus :



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Dernière modification le samedi, 23 novembre 2019
