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By: Amal Awad Radwan-(Palestine)

Translated by: Fathia Asfour*


*The ghost of my tear mumbles

 on a barren woman's breast....

rolls me in the moans of a cloud that sheds you in a pond,


 wide open for remembrance


* Out of my death crypts ..

my pain flows ether of hopes... 

and your snowy fires 

get my shirts perfumed with your features...

those overfilled with rain


*Velvet the pupil of your bitterness
Slender are the hurricanes of its dominion
 How it drew me close to a fragment

 of your subsistence

 in the sessions of hungry ascetics !!
 And how it drew me far away

 from your waterdance

 through your divine elevations !!


* So why thrusting my fingertips...

those raining candles..

in the caves of dust and harshness?


* By the charm of your voice..

that which illuminates me!..

the bow of my loyalty strummed me

 not but on hugging strings
How the breaths of its violin warbled as well !

 O you , the daughter of the runnels! 

Scoop me up an aromatic tale

 looking for its face in your mirror !
 Shear not the pearl of my pulsing...

For the rhythm of my rainclouds

had not gargled but in your heart ...

 and the evenings of my luster 

could not have been perfect 

without your bright rainfall

*Palestinian poet & tranlator


 روابط لتحميل الملحق الشهري العدد 14 ديسمبر 2019

<a href="/">Fichier PDF ملحق الفيصل الشهري العدد14ـ ديسمبر 2019 ».pdf</a>

‎طالعوا الصفحة الإجتماعية للصحيفة و اشتركوا فيها لنصرة الكلمة الحرة

‎لتحميل الملحق الشهري العدد 14 ديسمبر   2019

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Dernière modification le jeudi, 09 janvier 2020
