
Samedi 18 Mai 2024

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Fil d’actualités :

By: Amal Awad – Radwan-(Palestine)

-Translated by: Fathia Asfour*

O You ! the Waterity of my invocations
O You ! whose luminary breeze gushed out 
trampling the slopes of my sleepy hut.
And who fluttered in my wall espaces,

Inscribing my smooth void
with the claws of your wings.
O You ! who flares up with stormy rain
and spreads out a wind of illusions
on the banks of my empty gardens.
It's me who was prepared
for the lanterns of your soul
to shine me
weddings of joy
And in the paths of birth to spell me shadows of fleeing dream
How many times and times and times!!
to burning agony of darkness 
 vowed thee I


* Palestinian poet & tranlator





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Dernière modification le mardi, 05 mars 2019


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