
Dimanche 19 Mai 2024

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‎جمعية أهلية غير هادفة للربح مقرها مصر وتقوم بتحسين جودة الرعاية الطبية وتعمل على تثقيف وتوعية المرضى
"Association Africaine non lucrative qui lutte pour la qualité des soins, basé en Egypte. ( voir la présentation en Anglais)

African Society for Quality in Healthcare ASQH is the world’s largest community of experts and the leading authority on quality in healthcare. ASQH is a Non-Profit-Organization, Non-Governmental-Organization. As a professional society, ASQH advances the professional development, credentials, knowledge and information services, membership community, and advocacy on behalf of its more than 65,000 members worldwide. As champion of the quality movement worldwide, ASQH members are driven by a sense of responsibility to enrich their lives, to improve their workplaces and communities, and to make the world a better place by applying quality tools, techniques, and systems.ASQH operates with the leadership of the ASQH board of directors, more than 300 volunteers staffing teams and task forces, and full-time staff members. To provide education and networking at the global level.Headquartered in Egypt, Wis., ASQH supports membership services and business operations through ASQH Global, ASQH England, and ASQH France.ASQH provides education, leadership development opportunities, and products to support quality professionals. The organization’s vision, purpose, and core values support these goals."

Site internet: http://www.asqh.org

Dernière modification le mercredi, 14 décembre 2016


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